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By Ilia P.
2 articles

Changelog (since May 2024)

2024-06-26 1. Removed redundant alert on MacOS. 2024-06-20 1. Resolved issues with automatic proxy change. 2. Resolved issue with loading of missing extensions on startup. 3. Added stopping the messaging when notifying about the message limit. 4. Resolved an error when opening external links in Cucomm Desktop. 5. Resolved an issue that caused business page collecting to stop. 6. Added an alert when launching Cucomm Dektop without installation on MacOS. 7. Now MacOS build is easily installed (no terminal is required). 2024-06-16 1. Improved Cucomm Proxies. 2. Downloading from the home page. 3. "Always run the profile without asking" for each profile instead of for all. 2024-06-08 1. Improved the targeting speed by 5-10 times. 2024-06-03 1. Resolved the issue with incorrect statistics when stopping collecting. 2. Resolved the issue with incorrect markup when there are many collections. 3. Removed the redundant pop-up which was shown if you tried to collect from an incorrect group page. 2024-05-29 1. Now you can send multiple messages to each person right away, just use "[next_message]" to split your message into multiple smaller ones. 2. Now if there are any network issues (e.g. not stable proxy) the software retries again and again automatically. 3. Resolved the issue that in rate cases when you were messaging from multiple accounts at the same time a lead could receive a message twice. 4. Resolved the issue that rarely some leads could stay locked after the messaging. 2024-05-24 1. Improved stability. If you were starting many accounts at the same time (4-6+) by clicking the RUN button very fast, some of them might have not started, and you saw an infinite spinner until you reloaded the page. Now you shouldn't face the issue and the overall stability is also improved. 2024-05-19 1. Added extensions support. 2. Added on-boarding video right after signing into Cucomm Desktop. 2024-05-14 1. Improved import. There is a progress percentage during the import process now: 2024-05-13 1. Resolved the export issue on MacOS. 2024-05-12 1. Resolved the import issue: now you can import lead collections of 15000+ leads and a spinner is added. Changelog (before May 2024)

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Changelog (before May 2024)

2024-04-30 1. Resolved the issue with the export of big collections (1000+ leads). 2024-04-26 1. Resolved issues with Live-chat IPv6 support. 2024-04-24 1. Resolved issues with Cucomm Proxies IPv6 support. 2024-04-19 1. Removed the redundant notice that a manual update is required. 2. Updated the phone number to the current one. 2024-04-05 1. Added support for clients' IPv6 addresses, who use Cucomm Proxies. So now if your internet provider gives you an IPv6 address, not IPv4, Cucomm Proxies will continue working without issues. 2024-04-03 1. Improved widget loading speed. Please install the latest version to benefit from the update. 2. Improved leads collection export. 2024-03-28 1. Improved performance: now the website is loaded faster and other parts of the software work faster. 2024-03-14 1. Added the Affiliate Program tab with detailed information about the clients, who came via your affiliate link: affiliate program 2. Added information on how much Cucomm Proxy traffic has left: 3. Simplified the Download page: now it shows the download button for the current platform and allows to expand options for other platforms. 2024-02-28 1. Significantly improved Cucomm Proxy stability and speed. 2024-02-19 1. Added Facebook account status indication: 1. Gray - Not Signed In 2. Green - Signed In 3. Red - Suspended 2. Now if you're on Facebook from a Business Page (not a usual profile), then you won't see the sending buttons and relevant information. 2024-02-16 1. Windows: Improved the stability during the messaging, targeting, and other processes. Now if you face a network or proxy issue, the software will make attempts until the network is available again. 2. Added on-boarding hints to guide you on your first cold outreach. 2024-02-15 1. Simplified widget: now you see only the main buttons by default, and others if you click "Show more features". 2. Added the Changelog link to the website, and corrected MacOS set-up instructions. 2024-02-06 1. Simplified signing into Cucomm Desktop: now it's possible to do so via email, no passphrase is required (though we still have the option). 2. Added affiliate link to USER section of Client Area / Cucomm Desktop. 2024-01-21 1. Statistics at the bottom of the widget are now clearer: now it represents only sent outbound messages and doesn't include friend requests. 2. Now you can run collecting and messaging in an inactive tab and it will continue working. 3. Resolved the issue with parallel targeting from multiple profiles. 4. Resolved the "Protocol error" error that might have been faced before. 5. Resolved the issue with the incorrect email authorization option shown in rare cases in Cucomm Desktop. 6. There's no connection error in Cucomm Desktop anymore that might have been shown in rare cases before. 2024-01-18 1. New website. 2024-01-13 1. Now if a profile or a business page doesn't have a Message button, it won't be opened again on other profiles messaging the same collection of profiles. 2024-01-10 1. Funnel is now called Pipeline. Added information about whom each lead is contacted by and how many days ago the lead was moved into the current column (to catch those suspicious sitting there for too long ;) 2024-01-07 1. Resolved an issue when you couldn't manually specify a proxy because it's already specified in another profile, but actually, it is not. 2024-01-06 1. Resolved an issue that after specifying an incorrect proxy a duplicate profile was created. 2024-01-05 1. Resolved the 403 issue with the extension widget. 2024-01-01 1. Released Cucomm built-in proxies. Now using proxies is easier than ever: no need to look for third-party services, just click "Cucomm proxy" while creating a profile in Cucomm Desktop. 2023-12-21 1. Resolved an issue when after creating a profile, signing in on Facebook, closing, and running the profile again you could see the login page again because the initial cookies (not the latest) were set (if you didn't reload the page with profiles). 2023-12-11 1. Resolved an issue with targeting. 2023-12-09 1. Improved targeting: Now you can target/filter from multiple accounts at the same time. 2. Improved targeting: Now you can target/filter only part of the profiles collection and the sending will handle the targeted profiles first. 2023-12-01 1. Implemented detailed report about automatically sent follow-ups. 2. The SIGN IN link is not shown anymore during page loads. 3. The "download page" text on the CUCOMM Desktop sign-in page is now a link. 4. Resolved an issue with incorrect sent friend requests statistics. 5. Resolved an issue with automatic follow-ups sending. 2023-11-29 1. Now after the first sign-in into CUCOMM Desktop an empty profile "Sign In into your Facebook Account (RUN)" is created with instructions in the Note section. 2023-11-28 1. Added Start Page into the browser with links to Facebook and IPInfo. 2023-11-25 1. Changed colors of the widget according to the upcoming website redesign. 2. Resolved an issue when the widget was minimized with a pop-up page opened. 3. Updated the download page. 2023-11-23 1. We have implemented an optional confirmation of “Does this person know you?" and "Can't send friend request". 2. Now you can see the current and the latest versions in the lower left corner of CUCOMM Desktop with the download link and changelog link (it's necessary to update to start seeing it; also we added the changelog link to the header on our website). 3. Resolved an issue that sometimes the CUCOMM widget didn't pop up when the account wasn't initialized. 4. Resolved a rare issue when it wasn't possible to edit a profile. 5. Now when you see "You can't message this account" it takes less time to handle. 6. Eliminated redundant Facebook account initializations for statistics. 2023-11-16 1. Released CUCOMM Desktop. 2. Resolved an issue with Funnel: not all leads were shown. 2023-11-10 1. Added ability to skip not empty chats. 2. Now when you navigate over sections in CUCOMM Desktop and come back to the Profiles section, the correct RUN/STOP buttons are shown. 3. Resolved an issue during messaging. 4. Call-to-action buttons on the home page now redirect to the download page if authorized, to prevent the creation of multiple accounts. 2023-11-01 1. No more page reloadings/redirects - removed redundant Facebook account initializations. 2. In rare cases, the widget did not pop up - resolved. 2023-10-27 1. Added targeting by gender. 2. Resolved an issue during messaging. 3. In some rare cases, clients couldn't start a trial - resolved. 2023-10-20 1. Added Negative keywords to targeting by Job titles. 2. CUCOMM Desktop Beta: not all profiles could be run - resolved. 2023-10-12 1. The extension was redirecting from the account recovery page - resolved. 2023-10-06 1. Added icons to sections in the client area/CUCOMM Desktop beta. 2. Funnel improvements. 3. Resolved many CUCOMM Desktop Beta issues. 2023-09-22 1. Added the search feature to Funnel. 2. Added ability to move leads in Funnel (among columns and vertically). 3. Added loading of leads in columns (not all leads are shown right away now). We were doing a lot of other improvements over the previous 3 years :)

Last updated on May 13, 2024